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In the past I did not have a green thumb. In fact I had very low confidence with plants.  I did not feel very connected to my home; in fact I used to prefer to go out.


All of that has changed due to my relationship with my plants. Over the past year, I have filled my interior spaces one by one with living plants. I wake up in the morning, pour myself a cup of coffee, and walk around in my pajamas and check in with my plants. This is my morning ritual, a time just for me. I call each plant by its name. I give it water if it needs it, and I give it my appreciation for sharing a space with me. It makes me feel a sense of calm and happiness.


My home has become a living sanctuary. The plants make me feel connected. They make my home a living space where I feel I belong . Green Thumb Ceramics is is a business venture that was born from that appreciation. I have been wheel throwing pots every day for over 20 years. My work in the past has been sculptural/tableware. This is a departure from my traditional practice.These pots are offerings to plants and the people that want a living home. I name each piece in hopes that that name will stick once it is planted and brought to your home. Plants like when you speak to them. When you give them a name it starts that relationship.


If you find a friend that resonates with you here in my online shop, you can purchase it online and come and pick it up at my pop-up shop on McMillan pier August 12-19. At that time I will have plants available and a planting station, where you can plant your pot for an additional fee. I will have supplies available to create drainage at the bottom of the hanging planters. And a variety of house plants to choose from.


I can help you begin your new relationship. I look forward to meeting you.

This business model

Pop-up shops are way for me to bring my product to you without worrying about shipping & handling insurance or breakage. My intention is to create an online pre-sale store and a pop up shop four times a year. Cape Cod is my home and therefore this is where I begin. But I would love to move around and promote my pop-up in advance using social media. If you have ideas of spaces for pop-up shops or connections in other cities or towns, please do share. My goal is to connect with consumers who enjoy a living indoor space as well as florists, interior designers, party planners and collectors. I’d love to hear from you if you have ideas. I am using my online site as a way to show you what is being made as it is being made. If you love it grab it. There will never be another one like it. See my commission header for personalized work that can be made just for your needs.

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